(c) Nothing belongs to me (Whenever anybody dies in your house, whenever you lose anything, repeat this formula several times daily.You will have real peace of mind).
(d) I amnot the body (I am distinct from body). I amnot the mind (I am distinct from the mind). I am not Prana (I am distinct from Prana). I am not Indriyas (I am distinct from Indriyas). I am Immortal Atman. (Body idea will disappear).
(e) I am Sakshi OM OM OM I am Sakshi of mind OM OM OM I am Akarta OM OM OM I am Asanga OM OM OM
(f) I am Immortal Atman OM OM OM
(g) I am Satchidananda Brahman OM OM OM (h) I am Brahman OM OM OM Those who meditate on the above ideas and formulae will become changed. They will become veritable Gods on earth, radiating joy and peace everywhere. After doing some practice, stick to one idea only. This one idea will die by itself when you get established in Brahman, in pure Nirvikalpa Samadhi. Take any triplet which you like best and meditate on that seriously in right earnest. 4. Meditate on the following. Feel and identify yourself with the whole world. Formulae for Meditation
(a) The whole world is my body.
(b) The whole world is my home.
(c) I suffer and enjoy in all bodies.
(d) I work through all hands.
(e) I eat through all tongues.
(f) I see through all eyes.
(g) I hear through all ears.
This will result in Cosmic Consciousness and oneness of life. All sorts of Ghrina, hatred, envy, jealousy, will vanish. You will become one with the Virat and Hiranyagarbha. 5. Meditate on these ideas:
(a) All is good.
(b) All is sacred.
(c) All is one.
(d) All is God (Brahman).
(e) All bodies are mine.
6. Positive Nirguna Meditation
(a) I am the All.
(b) I am all-in-all.
(c) I am the Immortal Self in all. Feel this. Feel this. Vedantic Assertions (For Self-Realisation) 1. Enquire “Who am I?”
2. Find out the “Seer” of sight.
3. Thou art neither body nor mind, O Sushil! Thou art the Immortal Atman. Feel this. Feel this.
4. Deny body, deny world. Assert. Recognise. Realise. “I am the living Truth. I am the living Reality. I am Satchidananda Brahman. “Aham Brahma Asmi”—“I am the Immortal Self.” 5. Roar: OM OM OM, Soham, Soham, Soham Sivoham, Sivoham, Sivoham, like a lion of Vedanta and come out of this cage of flesh, my dear Sushil, “Tat Tvam Asi!” Soham Dhyana Soham andOMare one and the same. Soham Dhyana is Nirguna, Nirakara meditation only. Soham means “I am he” This is associated with the breath. Repeat “So” when you inhale and “Ham” when you exhale. This is easy for some. This is known as ‘Ajapa Japa’. Feel that you are the all-pervading pure consciousness when you think of Soham.
The source for this breath is Brahman or Atman. You are identical with that source and reality. 33 JNANA YOGA Problem Of Good And Evil The universe contains two dynamic forces, viz., good and evil. Good and evil are twin forces. They are twin born of the same father. They are “Dvandvas” or pairs of opposites. They have no independent existence. Evil exists to glorify good. Evil is destructive force. Good is constructive force.
There is neither absolute good nor absolute evil in this universe. Evil has no independent existence apart from good. Wherever there is evil, there is good; wherever there is good, there is evil. You cannot expect absolute good in this relative world. You can find absolute good in Brahman alone. From the viewpoint of the basic Reality which lies at the back of evil and good, evil and good dwindle into an airy nothing. Evil and good are mental creations. Transcend good and evil and reach the abode of Supreme Peace and Immortality. For a Jnani who has knowledge of the Self, there is neither good nor evil.
The ‘Why’ of the evil can only be understood when you get Atma-Jnana. Do not rack your brain now. It is a transcendental mystery. Only Brahman knows. Finite intellect that is conditioned in time, space and causation cannot find out a solution for this problem of evil. When you are fully established in your Svarupa (Atma Nishta) evil and good vanish altogether.
Do not put the cart before the horse. Transmute evil into good by changing your mental attitude or angle of vision. Out of evil, good often cometh. Destruction is necessary for regeneration, renovation and reconstruction. Will a patient with intense type of appendicular colic try to find out the ingredients of a pill, when the doctor gives him a medicine? Will he not take the pill immediately? Will a man whose cloth is on fire try to find out the “why” and “how” of the fire? Will he not run towards water for cooling himself? Tamas is evil. Sattva is good.
Convert Tamas into Sattva. Then evil is transmuted into good. Selfishness is evil. Selflessness is good. Lust is an evil. Brahmacharya is good. Greed is evil. Generosity, integrity, disinterestedness are good. Pride is evil. Humility is good.
From Yoga in Daily Life
Lire Les Fleurs "ISBN : 992092784013330
7 years ago
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