Discovery of India

Saturday, August 23, 2008

The Benefits of Yoga – Yoga for All

Yoga is an ancient exercise, which was originated in India 5,000 years ago. Yoga is an applied science of the body and mind. Practicing yoga creates a balance between the body and mind. Yoga helps in internal as well as external strength. It balances the yin and yang. Yoga teaches about healthy body and healthy mind. Good health means calm mind.

The balance between mind, body and soul is established by yoga. Yoga was developed thousands of years ago by yogis. There are thousands of yoga asanas (exercises) and each has its own significance. Yoga can be done in the morning or in the evening. A trained instructor is required to teach the person. There are various breathing exercises, which help in relaxing the whole body. There are many standing exercises, deep breathing exercises and exercises, which are done sitting and lying flat.

There are many yoga institutes in US. There are various types of yoga, like kundalini yoga, hatha yoga etc. People with diseases and pain, whether it is migraine or arthritis, can utilize yoga as it can help in healing. By doing yoga the body’s immune system functions well and the healing properties in the body is enhanced. Meditation helps in improving a person’s concentration and memory.

Yoga also helps in muscle flexibility, stamina, lowers fat, improves blood circulation, lowers bad cholesterol levels and makes the mind calm. Everybody can do yoga and attain its benefits.

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Friday, August 22, 2008

Learning Yoga For Your Good Health

For many of us, cranking out a ten-minute mile on a treadmill or pounding the floor of the racquetball court can mean major joint pain. Fortunately, you can cover all three of your major exercise types (aerobic, anaerobic and stretching) through a low-impact activity like yoga.

Yoga is an ancient Indian practiced designed to promote relaxation, health and flexibility. By using a series of poses and breathing techniques, yoga also works on the practitioner's balance, strength and overall health.

It has been shown to reduce blood pressure, lower cholesterol levels, diminish back pain and improve cardiovascular health. Depending on the type of yoga you do, yoga can be an aerobic, anaerobic or stretching exercise or all three.

Essentially, yoga tones and stretches all your joints and muscles. Not only does this unique form of exercise deliver physical benefits, it also reduces stress while promoting relaxation. When it comes to aging well, yoga is one of the best activities you can do.

Some types of it are more strenuous than others, so before you sign up for a class or purchase a yoga DVD, you may want to make sure you're choosing a yoga program that's right for you. Keep reading to learn about the five major types of yoga:

Integral Yoga: This is a basic and very gentle form of yoga with a set pattern of postures. The emphasis is on pose control, relaxation and deep meditation. Integral yoga is perfect for beginners.

Ashtanga Yoga: You may see Ashtanga yoga listed as "power yoga." This type of yoga moves fast and focuses on a continuous flow of movement through the traditional yoga poses. By incorporating strength, aerobic exertion and flexibility, Ashtange embodies all three types of exercise.

Kundalini Yoga: This form of yoga is extremely spiritual and tends to focus predominantly on breathing exercises, chanting, relaxation and meditation.

Iyengar Yoga: Iyengar yoga focuses predominantly on positioning and poses that are precise and correct. Using wooden blocks, buckets or straps, Iyengar concentrates on alignment and the actual structure of a pose. Though slow and steady, Iyengar is not recommended for yoga beginners.

Bikram Yoga: Also known as "hot yoga," Bikram yoga is typically done in a room heated to anywhere from 80 to 100 degrees. Vigorous and intense, this form of yoga may be too much for those suffering from respiratory problems, high blood pressure or cardiac issues.

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Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Relaxation Techniques In Stress Management

If you are stressed out, you probably know that relaxation techniques which will also help to relax the mind will be an enormous help in resolving your problems. This article will outline some relaxation techniques which are used in stress management and will point to a website which has much useful information.

Relaxation techniques work on the idea that you can't be relaxed and uptight at the same time. Relaxation exercises help reduce anxiety and stress. Relaxation training can help you to control your body's reaction to stress. There are basically two main ways: Learn how to turn off the alarm system through various relaxation methods. There are more sophisticated versions of these muscular methods, like the shower of relaxation and progressive relaxation. If we consider cognitive theory, its basic premise is that peaceful thoughts cause relaxation and stressful thoughts cause stress. A massage provides deep relaxation and improves physiological processes. Many people use specific relaxation techniques including yoga, meditation and breathing techniques. Sometimes spa-like music is used along with a collaborative counselling approach to elicit the relaxation response. Although not proven effective if used alone, yoga, meditation and progressive muscle relaxation are very important to help slow the mind and body down and undoubtedly play an important role in controlling the effects of the buzz. Make time for relaxation and leisure activities. Perform relaxation exercises or get a massage.

Progressive Muscle Relaxation Technique

Tighten all the muscles you can find: legs, arms, back, face- Hold for 10 seconds- Then, release- Repeat a few times. Other activities that actually reduce stress include daily exercise, finding constructive outlets for your emotions, socializing, performing relaxation exercises and eating a healthy diet. Meditation, relaxation skills and muscle relaxation are all ways for you to chill out and feel good. Stress management and relaxation are two techniques that can be effectively used to treat stress. Stress management and relaxation can help individuals take control of their own situations and effectively deal with stress. There is a difference between stress management and relaxation. You can begin to use the relaxation techniques that work for your specific needs, body and mind. Stress management and relaxation are two kinds of therapy, quite often self-therapy, that can be used together to help recognize and alleviate stress in daily life,

We should remember that successful stress management is not about applying one or another method, or taking one or another pill; successful stress management is about dealing with a problem in general. If you would like to know more about relaxation techniques in stress management, visit the link below this article.

Robert Locke is an Internet Marketer specializing in Health, Wellness and Fitness. If you would like to discover more about stress management, visit the link below:-

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Complete Health Bliss With Yoga Relaxation

Until recently, I was totally oblivious of the intertwinement between yoga benefits and yoga relaxation. Like many women, I also sought solace in leisure activities such as socializing, partying, watching a movie, or reading, to relax.

It was only when I started practicing yoga that I became aware of the mammoth yoga benefits that can be obtained from the state of profound relaxation. A few yoga relaxation sessions were enough for me to perceive the generation of sublime state of harmony.

Different women have totally different reasons for practicing yoga. Some women are interested in the health benefits they obtain after performing yoga exercises routinely, while others practice yoga to achieve the desired state of harmony between the inner and outer self, but a large percentage of women carry out yoga sessions just for relaxation.

At this conjuncture, a very important question crops up, “Why can’t leisure activities provide relaxation?”

I consider, that leisure activities are merely a gateway to escape from stressful conditions and feelings for a while. As soon as you confront a stress producing condition, you neither know how to react to it nor you know how to deal with it.

Accomplished yoga practitioners consider that yoga relaxation develops a woman’s ability to deal with stress more effectively and at the same time makes her more energized, concentrated and relaxed. As a consequence, a woman is able to regain her mental composure quickly during stressful conditions and this enables her to deal with stress with an iron hand. This is one of the greatest yoga benefits associated with yoga relaxation.

Modern women live under overt and subtle pressure to look good, behave well and impress others. She has to deal with competition at work place and difficulties in personal relationships. All these lifestyle factors adversely affect her physical and mental health.

Under such circumstances, the big question is, “How can a woman preserve her physical and mental health?” You don’t have to scratch your head to find an answer because yoga, the legacy of our forefathers is still powerful enough to help today’s woman to stay healthy.

If you still have some doubts about the effectiveness of this ancient system of exercise, then consider some yoga benefits retrieved, after thorough research and investigations.

1. Yoga relaxation improves the overall physical and mental health of a woman through the relaxing effect on her body and the calming effect on her mind. This is one of the most basic yoga benefits related to relaxation.

2. It relieves and delays the onset of fatigue.

3. Yoga relaxations works to expand the consciousness, which brings about greater freedom from negative conditioning and repressed memories.

4. It helps a woman to minimize and alleviate illusions, confusions, and inessential burdens, and develop a living that is more skilful.

5. Life is complex and challenging. There is suffering in life. Yoga relaxation helps us to deal with the modern stresses of competition, complexity and change.

There are many more yoga benefits that can be linked with yoga relaxation. Infact, each yoga practitioner has an incredible yoga health benefit experience to narrate.

To achieve maximum yoga benefits and to accelerate the process of arriving to the intense stage of relaxation, perseverant yoga practitioners advocate adherence to five essential components of yoga:

1. Diet- It is an important factor because the things we eat influence not only the structure of our body, but also our brain.

2. Breathing techniques- Deep and prolonged breath helps your brain to stay oxygenated, which contributes to analyzing things in a clearer manner.

3. Postures- They cultivate and maintain mental and physical balance, strength and health. They are most beneficial when practiced on a regular or daily basis and at the same time, each time they are practiced.

4. Meditation practice- During relaxation it is essential to mediate on the true values of the world.

5. Relaxation practice- Yoga postures are often cumbersome and demand a lot of attention therefore yoga relaxation is necessary and mandatory stage of every yoga routine.

Yoga is a connection between spiritual and real world, and yoga relaxation is considered to be a stage, which safely brings you back to the present reality you live in.

To yield rich yoga benefits out of yoga relaxation, a woman must have the right attitude and focus. These are considered to be the key elements. Entering the profound stage of relaxation and synchronization between your inner and your outer self cannot happen unless you physically and mentally desire it.

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Tuesday, August 12, 2008

7 Relaxation Techniques for Stress Reduction

There are many relaxation techniques people can learn to keep stress at bay. One of the most important aspects of stress reduction is knowing how to relax.

Here are some relaxation techniques that individuals can use to help them relax:

1. Breathing is key when it comes to controlling stress. Make a conscious effort to breath in through your nose. Take deep long breaths, instead of shallow ones. There have been some medical findings that associate stress reduction with breathing pattern.

Taking slow deep breaths can also relieve anxiety. During the day, whenever individuals feel that stress is creeping up on them, they should take a few minutes to gather themselves. This will also allow them to take some deep breaths to help them relax.

2. Get into yoga. This type of exercise puts an emphasis on relaxation. It is a great way to release tension from the body. Yoga can help one feel more calm. It also relieves tension from the muscles.

3. Listening to music is a great way to relieve stress. Listening to soft, soothing music has a calming effect on a person's body. It eases the mind, and help the body relax.

4. Individuals who want to relax should do so in a quiet and comfortable environment. Being in a room that is cluttered and messy will not help anyone relax. This also applies to the working environment. Work stations that are cluttered and disorganized will only add to a person's stress level. So individuals should always keep their work space tidy and clean.

5. A massage is also a great way to relieve stress from the body. It's also very conducive to relaxation.

6. Baths are also a good idea! After a long day at work, what better way to relax than to take a long, relaxing bath. This will helps to invigorate the body.

7. Regular exercising is a great way to get rid of stress. Physical exertion helps to provide an outlet for pent up emotions that are related to stress. There is also strong evidence that links a hormone called endorphins-which has been known to promote a feeling of euphoria with exercise. This is why after exercising a person tends to feel much better.

There are many relaxation techniques that people can take advantage of to help them get rid of stress. It is just a matter of finding one that works for them, and can be adapted well into their lifestyle!

Written By:-Tim Lee
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Monday, August 11, 2008

Relaxation Technique: Yoga has a Long Lost Art for Relaxing You

We all know that one of the necessary things needed to keep an automobile in good condition is cooling the engine when it gets hot.

Well the same principle applies to the human body. When the body and mind are constantly overworked, their efficiency in performing their duties diminishes. Modern social life, food, work and even play make it difficult for the modern man to use a proper relaxation technique for rejuvenation.

An observance of nature will show us that animals love relaxation and sleep. They get as much sleep as they want. Rest and sleep are essential to recharge our nervous energy
as our physical, emotional and mental balance depends on the quantity and quality of these vital necessities. They are the only things that recharge these batteries and allow for the proper elimination of metabolic wastes.

But just how can one learn a proper relaxation technique?

Only the corpse pose offered to us in Yoga can aid modern man to recapture the art of relaxation. In order to achieve this, three methods are used by the yogis. The three methods are known as physical, mental and spiritual relaxation.

Physical Relaxation Technique: We all know that every action is the result of thought originated in the mind consciously or subconsciously. When we want to perform an act, the thought is generated in the mind, is transmitted to the brain and simultaneously, the brain telegraphs the message through the nerves, and the muscles contract. Therefore as we can send messages to make the muscles contract, we can send messages to make them relax.

This relaxation technique is known as autosuggestion. Commence autosuggestions from the toes upwards while the suggestion passes through the muscles and reaches up to the eyes and ears at the top. This is performed by saying mentally to yourself: “My toes are hereby relaxed; my ankles are hereby relaxed…”

Mental Relaxation Technique: During mental tension one should breathe slowly and rhythmically for a few minutes and concentrate on breathing. Slowly the mind will become calm and one is able to feel a kind of floating sensation.

Spiritual Relaxation Technique: However one tries to relax the mind, one cannot completely remove all tensions and worries from it unless one goes to spiritual relaxation.
This is in itself is a slightly demanding but very rewarding practice.

Yogis know that unless man can withdraw himself from the body idea and separate himself from the ego consciousness, there is no way of obtaining complete relaxation. So from mental relaxation, he withdraws himself and identifies himself with the all pervading, all powerful, all peaceful and joyful self, because all the source of power, knowledge are in the soul and not the body. Man can only free himself from the clutches of evil emotions by asserting his true self by stating mentally: "I am that pure consciousness or self" This identification with the self completes the process of relaxation.

The method to be applied here is to breathe deeply and squarely in a ratio of 5:5:5 seconds while mentally chanting the mantra above. As you will observe it goes hand-in-hand with mental relaxation after the physical auto suggestions are completed.

To get the most of this practice, you should practice this after your poses, before going to sleep or even during a break or recess at work or school, or right at your desk.

I always tell people: “Hey if it is said God took a break on the 7th day after making the world, who are we as humans not to take time out to relax?” So to recharge your energy and restore you physical, mental and emotional balance and strength, apply the methods above to learn how to relax the proper way.

Written By:- Foras Aje

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Sunday, August 10, 2008

Learning Yoga Techniques

Yoga is an ancient form of exercise wherein participants use certain postures in combination with dedicated breathing techniques to improve physical and emotional health. Unlike many other forms of exercise, yoga connects mind and body in a journey towards overall health. There are many forms of yoga techniques in practice today. Deciding what technique works best for you is a very personal choice.

The differences between yoga techniques usually lie in the yoga positions – or asanas. A professional yoga instructor can guide you through different yoga techniques and ensure that you are doing them correctly and safely. This can be enormously beneficial to you when determining what yoga technique works for you.

With the increased popularity of yoga, more and more yoga studios are opening in cities and small towns everywhere. Visiting the studios and participating in a few trial classes will quickly tell you all you need to know about yoga techniques.

Additionally, there are a multitude of DVDs and videos that will teach you yoga techniques in the privacy of your own home. This is an affordable way to give yoga a try; if you’re not comfortable with a particular yoga technique you are not committed to continuing with it.

To get an overview of particular yoga techniques before actually participating in them, go online to the get the most comprehensive information about yoga techniques – their background, particular postures, and health benefits.

Regardless which of the yoga techniques you choose, you should never begin any new exercise program without first consulting with your doctor. It’s important that you decided along with a medical professional what works best for your body.

Overall, yoga techniques of any kind benefit health dramatically. Those who practice yoga consistently report an overall sense of well being – increased fitness, flexibility, energy, and mental wellness.

So take the time to explore a variety of yoga techniques. You’ll be rewarded with a lifelong passion and an ever-present outlet for stress and tension. Yoga techniques, when done properly, will bring you a sense of peace and vitality that can last for a lifetime.

Written By:-Michelle Bery

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Friday, August 8, 2008

Yoga For Relaxation And Relaxation Techniques For Busy People

Do you need to relax? Most of people are having a busy life and do not have time to relax. In their busy life, people are on the run moment they get up from bed to the time they retire for the day. How can you be relax when whole day is spent in meeting the deadlines, pushing schedules, getting to office, getting back to home and not having enough time for having proper meals? In addition, there can be different types of stress due to financial problems, health problems in family, lack of emotional support or work pressures. End result is we are feeling stressed mentally and physically for most part of the day. You need relaxation urgently if you are becoming easily irritable, feeling loss of energy, not enjoying your work and have a feeling of hopelessness. Even if you are perfectly fine and healthy, proper relaxation can make a wonderful change to your life and reduce your stress levels.

A person who does not do any work need not be necessarily relaxed. Similarly, lying in your bed does not ensure relaxation if your mind is busy elsewhere.

Is this Relaxation? Following activities are not true relaxation :

  • Collapsing into a sofa and watching your favourite channels. Sex, violence and tear jerking emotions can further add to your emotional baggage.
  • Reading a newspaper or a magazine can make you feel better but it is not true relaxation.
  • Eating, drinking or partying.
  • Gossiping or spreading rumours about colleagues.
  • Use of drugs or any other intoxicant.

Is Relaxation possible? Yes, relaxation is possible for everybody but it requires positive action. You can master the master the art of relaxation with persistent efforts. Relaxation is not a one time affair, you have to practice it regularly. Make relaxation techniques a part of your life. Do a self analysis to identify any major causes of stress that can be resolved easily and try to remove them. For true relaxation, there has to be a paradigm shift in the way you think. You have to let go of things. Do not think that you are doing everything. Remember, you are not indispensable, world does not rest on your shoulders alone. Here are some tips for relaxation.

Yoga for relaxation. Yoga breathing and yoga asanas are real stress busters and improves your feel good factor. It removes negative feelings/ emotions from your mind. Yoga helps in harmonising your mind and body, provides you more energy to carry out your work.

  • About 15 minutes of yoga practice in the morning can help. Practice shava asana and rhythmic deep breathing initially.
  • Also, during the day, you can practice rhythmic breathing any time you have minimum three to five minutes of spare time. Concentrate on your breath during the day and become aware of the rhythm of breathing.
  • In general, consciously try to take deep breaths whenever you have time. After some days your breathing will automatically become deep and you can feel the difference in your spirits and resulting mental peace.
  • At least once or twice a week practice yoga nidra for complete relaxation.

Relaxation and mind control. Relaxation is an art which starts with a positive state of mind. If you resolve in your mind that you are happy and relaxed, you will feel relaxed. With continuous auto suggestions, mind can be trained over a period of time.

Concentration and meditation Spend some time in solitude in a day, preferably early morning. Choose a room with no light or any sound. Try to concentrate your mind. Observe the thoughts going through your mind as an independent observer. After some days practice,
gradually try to have a control on your thoughts. You should not allow negative thoughts to enter your mind. It is possible but requires practice. Develop an attitude of self confidence.

Actions for Relaxation. Forward your clock by 5 minutes and you can avoid most of the troubles. Be available for all your appointments well in time. For example, before going to office, get ready 5 minutes early, relax and think about days task.

  • Close your eyes and take 5 to 10 deep breaths, this gives you a momentary break to reorganise your thoughts.
  • At times, leave our place of work for few minutes and take a walk to coffee machine.
  • Take to stairs and climb to next floor.
  • A good night's sleep is essential for better relaxation and helps to avoid effects of sleep deprivation.
  • Sometimes have a change in your daily routine. For example, sometimes go on a long walk in a nearby park. Spend some time in the lap of nature.
  • Develop a hobby such as practicing yoga, meditating, cycling, swimming or gardening.

Emotions for Relaxation.

  • You do not need other people's approval for all your actions, so be relaxed and do not bother what other people say about you.
  • You can relax while doing your work, provided you like your work and work with full concentration.
  • Do not worry about past or future, take care of your present.
  • Spend some time with your family every day. Your family can provide you much needed emotional support.
  • You can also find pleasant memories within you to help you create relaxation.
  • Indeed having a happy married life and harmonious environment at home is essential for peace of mind.

Control your breathing and heart rate by using rhythmic breathing so that you stay composed and calm under all circumstances. Relaxation essentially involves identifying and prioritising your most important jobs and utterly disregard unimportant issues. Practicing these relaxation tips/ techniques will enable you to focus on relevant issues, improve your productivity at work and lead a healthy life.

Written By:-Daljit Kaur

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Thursday, August 7, 2008

Yoga Techniques for Headache | Yoga Techniques for Relieving Headache | Yoga poses

Yoga Techniques for Headache - A Natural Remedy

Yoga means the union of the soul with the body and the mind. Or understanding with reality. Today, yoga techniques for headache are an effective way to control annoying headaches. Yoga techniques for headache are a refining practice and proven to be very effective. Yoga acts as a healing and preventive therapy.

Stress is one of the main reasons for recurring headache problems Stress targets our mind. Ignoring stress is dangerous, as it leads to many very serious health and mental problems including headaches, heart disease,cancer, and lung ailments.

Stress is not the only reason for headaches. However, there are several reasons such as personal problems, dehydration, eyestrain and many more.

Headaches are common and can occur to anyone. Generally it is not a serious one, unless chronic. For a permanent relief without side effects, yoga techniques for headache is a natural medication that works just as good as traditional medications.

Practicing a yoga pose that needs you to place your head down can really work out.
The reality is that if you are suffering from simple tension headaches, then practicing yoga techniques for headache can help and you will learn to release tension and keep headaches away.

Yoga Techniques Can Relieve Headache

Recent researches illustrate that yoga techniques such as poses,breathing, and relaxation techniques are successful in relieving many ailments such as headache.

There are many simple yoga poses in yoga techniques for headache that will help you to release tension in your neck, shoulders, and upper back. Poses such as Forward bend, Downward Facing Dog and the Cobra are good to practice when suffering from tension headaches. All these poses allow you to hang your head loosely. Stretching the neck and upper shoulder muscles must be a regular part of your yoga routine. If you are already suffering from headache, then never try to force yourself in doing something that would be uncomfortable and painful for you.

Try to keep some gap until you feel better and then work on them. Just stretching and relaxing the muscles will help relieve it.

Also, there are some relaxing poses, which you can practice, that will help fight those tension headaches and keep them away from recurring. The poses such as Legs-Up-the-Wall Pose, and Child’s Pose are good for treating headaches. Remember to relax the face muscles as well, particularly relax your jaw when practicing these poses.

Yoga techniques for headache relieves headache through breathing exercises, as breathing is an important part of yoga routines. For this, you need to take control, breathe slow and control your inhales and exhales.

You can acquire control of your breathing and can situate the tension in your neck and shoulders. Once they identified, you can work on relaxing them. When you are practicing these yoga poses, ensure that you are breathing correctly.

Always remember to contact a doctor, if you suffer from more than a simple tension headache and to make sure that there is nothing more serious wrong. Yoga techniques for headache is not a complete remedy if you have severe headache.

The only thing that yoga techniques for headache can do, when you practice the poses two to three times a week, help you to identify the most tensed muscles, and help you to learn the ways to relax them.

If you have headaches even after practicing yoga techniques for headache, then you need to consult your trained yoga instructor and ask him to suggest some special poses that will aim your tension points, so that you can attain the relief that you are looking for.
Written By:-Alien
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Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Basic Yoga Relaxation Techniques

The practice of Yoga has been around for centuries, and was originally developed from Hindu Philosophy. Yoga is the Sanskrit word which means "union". The original purpose of Yoga was to "find the union of the individual with the divine means." This was accomplished by using Yoga techniques along with proper diet, exercise, breathing, posture, and mediation.

Hatha-yoga is probably the most popular type of this practice. People use Hatha-yoga in order to improve their health and sense of well being. This is accomplished by learning body control through breathing exercises, posture positions, and by concentration of the mind. The people of today's modern society usually practice Yoga for the benefits of relaxation.

There are numerous posture positions to choose from, but the most common and most widely-known is the Lotus Position. To perform this, you must be first seated on the floor. Place your right right on your left thigh, and your left foot on your right thigh. This may sound easier than it really is. In order to accomplish this, bend your right leg at the knee and grab your right foot with your hands. Then, place your right foot on your opposite thigh. The next step is to bend your left knee and grab your left foot with your hands. Place your left foot on the opposite thigh. Both knees should be on the floor, and the bottoms of your feet should be facing upward. Keep your spine straight too.

Now that you have your feet and legs in place, you will need to position your hands also. There are three ways in which to do this:

The first position- Hold both of your hands palm-side up. Now place one hand on top of the other hand and lay both of them on the heels of your feet.

The second position- Keep the palms of your hands down and place both hands on your knees.

The third position- Place the palms of both hands face-up. Then place both hands on your knees and form a circle with your thumb and index finger. Keep the remaining fingers straight outward.

Another common technique that can help you relax and de-stress your body is called "alternate nostril breathing." It is, of course, performed by breathing through one nostril at a time. In order to do this, use your thumb and the little finger of your right hand. Use the right thumb to close off the right nostril. Lay the remaining fingers gently between your eyebrows. Inhale slowly and deeply through the remaining open nostril, and then hold your breath as long as you possibly can. Then, when you cannot hold your breath any longer, uncover your right nostril and cover your left nostril with the little finger of your right hand. Let your breath come out slowly-do not force it or blow hard- and exhale completely through your nostril. You can practice this technique for a few minutes every day, or you can use it anytime that you feel the need to relax.

Deep breathing exercises, such as this one, has a natural calming effect on the mind and the body because of the increase in oxygen that it brings to your entire being.

Written By:-Thanapong Supornchai

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Sunday, August 3, 2008

Yoga For Mind, Body And Spiritual Pleasure

For years yoga has been used in many forms for healing and relaxing mind, body and spirit. Yoga has proven benefits for one's overall health and well being. The popularity of yoga enhances enormously as the scientific crowd is coming up with substantiating evidences for the benefits of yoga.

Yoga helps tone and strengthens the body and builds muscle over time. It also benefits cardio and circulatory system too. Another benefit of yoga is its power to ease muscle and joint pains.
Body focused yoga includes – Bikram yoga, Ashtanga yoga, Iyengar yoga and Vinyasa yoga. These type of yoga benefit deferent the body in different ways which include strength and grace.

Mind focused yoga includes - Bhakti yoga, Mantra yoga and Raja yoga. The benefits of mind yoga vary just as mush as body yoga. The benefits include patience and concentration and can have the same effects as meditation.

Yoga helps in attaining absolute peace. Some of the basic spiritual benefits of yoga are improved concentration, regulated breath and clarity of mind. The improved concentration and clarity of mind assist to enhance your skills and increase productivity.

Other spiritual benefits of yoga include the psychic control, mind control and thought control. The relaxation in the thoughts will help you gain the knowledge. The control over the thoughts will help to suppress the materialistic pressures of the life. However the ultimate spiritual benefit of yoga will be the self realization. The understanding of self will help assure the healing of the pain of the body as well as the mind.

Yoga is an exercise and an art that anyone can do no matter their age. It can give you health, strength and a sense of well being for the rest of your life.

Written by Nick Mutt. Know more natural Home remedies for depression. Visit our new Beauty and fashion accessories store at and find a wide range of beauty accessories and fashion tips!!

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Beginner Yoga Poses

Starting yoga may be confusing to you at first with all the different positions that is taught. When you start yoga class the instructor can go over the different names with you to help you learn the beginner yoga poses. Yoga is a great way to stretch your muscles safely and it is useful to everyone, even women who are pregnant. If you have had a sports injury or work injury yoga may be a great form of exercise to get you back on track and help you heal faster.

Yoga Poses

Your instructor will go over some beginner poses with you if you are just starting yoga. Here are the names of these poses.The Rabbit Pose teaches you techniques to relieve neck and head pain as well as back pain.

Birds Wing pose is great for beginners, intermediate or advance. Other poses you will hear are Happy Baby pose, Standing Yoga Mudra, Downward Facing Dog Plank, Cat Cow Pointer Sequence, Cobra pushup with Roll, Saw, Reclined Twist, Twisted Root, Teaser Prep, The Curl, Prone Gluteals, Swimming, Warrior I, Warrior II, Bridge with Roll, Cross Legged Sit and Stretch, and Chair.

The yoga poses you will learn are going to teach you many things, including how to reduce and handle stress, understand life and be in touch with your inner feelings, help your body to be balanced. This doesn't happen after one session. You should be prepared to continue yoga on a regular basis in order to get the full result of yoga and what it is intended to do. Each pose will show you a different way to handle your life and balance your body. In order to use yoga to its full potential make sure you practice it regularly and without stopping. If you cannot join a class there are CD's and DVD's available that will teach you all about beginner poses.

Written by Karlise Amerson. Find the latest information on Yoga for beginners as well as BCBG Cocktail Dresses.